Basic Preparation for Transformation
Week 2, Email 3, Friday
Week 2, Email 3, Friday
Christians Together Absolutely Necessary: Part Four
The Power Plants of Christianity: Part 2
Families Together with Jesus
Families that recognize Jesus in their midst will live quite differently. Recognizing is more than merely “knowing” that He is with them. It will involve listening for Him to request something in the relationships between family members as well as for the family as a whole.
Parents will lead the family as a society of believers rather than merely a collection of individuals. Dads and moms will empower the family as a whole to do most of the tasks that life sends their way. Everyone will practice the Togethers and individuals will be a part of the whole rather than merely attached superficially to the whole. One child’s struggles with school will be everyone’s struggle and much help will be offered from every family member. Parents will remember that the Holy Spirit also empowers children to help siblings and parents.
Family members will learn to listen for the voice of Jesus through their Bibles or their consciences. Jesus will be asking them to pitch in and help one another with the problems and challenges of life. The Lord may ask the family unit to serve relatives and neighbors, plan enjoyable events, help each other live faithfully, etc.
Think of the social and evangelistic impact on your community if hundreds of families lived this way – Jesus with them and leading them.
Dozens of examples are given at
We have a “Family Together with Jesus” Discipleship Pack to grow a walk together with Christ.
The article “Leading the Family as a Whole” is available at
The article “Successful Family Dialogue” is available at
We have a “Family Together with Jesus” Discipleship Pack to grow a walk together with Christ.
The article “Leading the Family as a Whole” is available at
The article “Successful Family Dialogue” is available at
Marriages Together with Jesus
It probably is more prevalent that marriages are aware that Jesus is with them and would like to guide the behavior between the spouses. But, if marriages go further to practice the deeper love as Scripture calls for and is described by the Togethers, there would be vast improvement in marital relationships and stability.
Too often the teaching that husbands and wives are to help each other gets applied to only bringing in the groceries from the car. The tragedy in the Garden of Eden must warn couples to help one another do whatever God asks of them. Sometimes help will come from friends or their children, but usually it should come from the husband or wife. This help from each other will create the glue of appreciation that will enhance and guarantee the marital relationship.
In addition, wherever they are they will be aware that Jesus is with them and might need them. As each other’s primary helper, spouses will be constantly checking in with Jesus as to what help needs to be given and how it is to be applied. The long-term nature of marriage allows for patient and loving spiritual help to be given over long periods of time. Jesus may point out that a spouse is too in love with money and a fast, direct, frontal approach would be doomed to failure. Instead, Jesus might order a long-term approach that includes Bible study about money and gentle input regarding spending decisions.
Also, the long-term relationship of marriage usually brings annoyances and relationship problems that will force the necessity of transformation into the image of Christ more than most other relationships. The fact that husbands and wives can “drive one another up the wall” is probably good, not bad – if faced as an opportunity to become like Jesus. The marriage with conscious awareness of Jesus’ presence will listen for His comfort and leading through the long path of understanding and love.
Then there is the fact that Jesus will give a couple that truly lives conscious of His presence many ministry tasks. They will go with Jesus to help neighbors, relatives, neighborhoods, church congregations, strangers and those in need in various situations and places.
Think of the social and evangelistic impact on your community if hundreds of marriages lived this way – Jesus with them and leading them.
It probably is more prevalent that marriages are aware that Jesus is with them and would like to guide the behavior between the spouses. But, if marriages go further to practice the deeper love as Scripture calls for and is described by the Togethers, there would be vast improvement in marital relationships and stability.
Too often the teaching that husbands and wives are to help each other gets applied to only bringing in the groceries from the car. The tragedy in the Garden of Eden must warn couples to help one another do whatever God asks of them. Sometimes help will come from friends or their children, but usually it should come from the husband or wife. This help from each other will create the glue of appreciation that will enhance and guarantee the marital relationship.
In addition, wherever they are they will be aware that Jesus is with them and might need them. As each other’s primary helper, spouses will be constantly checking in with Jesus as to what help needs to be given and how it is to be applied. The long-term nature of marriage allows for patient and loving spiritual help to be given over long periods of time. Jesus may point out that a spouse is too in love with money and a fast, direct, frontal approach would be doomed to failure. Instead, Jesus might order a long-term approach that includes Bible study about money and gentle input regarding spending decisions.
Also, the long-term relationship of marriage usually brings annoyances and relationship problems that will force the necessity of transformation into the image of Christ more than most other relationships. The fact that husbands and wives can “drive one another up the wall” is probably good, not bad – if faced as an opportunity to become like Jesus. The marriage with conscious awareness of Jesus’ presence will listen for His comfort and leading through the long path of understanding and love.
Then there is the fact that Jesus will give a couple that truly lives conscious of His presence many ministry tasks. They will go with Jesus to help neighbors, relatives, neighborhoods, church congregations, strangers and those in need in various situations and places.
Think of the social and evangelistic impact on your community if hundreds of marriages lived this way – Jesus with them and leading them.
Dozens of examples are given at
We have a “Marriage Together with Jesus” Discipleship Pack to grow a walk together with Christ.
The article “Successful Couple Dialogue” is available at
We have a “Marriage Together with Jesus” Discipleship Pack to grow a walk together with Christ.
The article “Successful Couple Dialogue” is available at
The Organizational Church Can Cooperate
There is presently little to no help in the organizational church for friendship groups, families and marriages to become the powerhouses of the faith they were meant to be. There is so much more that church leaders can do.
Pastors will have to make sure in sermons that listeners are admonished to make sure the teaching of the sermon takes root in the lives of each of their closest friends. This will not happen automatically in a culture full of autonomy and privacy. Pastors will have to tell friends how to help one another grow in what the sermon has taught.
Husbands and wives also need to be commissioned to help one another see the teaching of the sermon through to completion. They, too, will have to be told how to help each other, usually over the long run. This will be somewhat different than how friends will help each other.
Kids and parents will have to be told in the sermon that they can do a lot to help one another make the change highlighted in the sermon. Kids will especially need careful instruction on how to do this.
Unfortunately, when friendships, families and marriages are left out of sermons and the books Christians read, those basic social units of the church do not know that they need to do anything. Yet they are absolutely necessary for spiritual growth, obedience, and preparation for heaven.
See our recommendations to pastors and church leaders at
There is presently little to no help in the organizational church for friendship groups, families and marriages to become the powerhouses of the faith they were meant to be. There is so much more that church leaders can do.
Pastors will have to make sure in sermons that listeners are admonished to make sure the teaching of the sermon takes root in the lives of each of their closest friends. This will not happen automatically in a culture full of autonomy and privacy. Pastors will have to tell friends how to help one another grow in what the sermon has taught.
Husbands and wives also need to be commissioned to help one another see the teaching of the sermon through to completion. They, too, will have to be told how to help each other, usually over the long run. This will be somewhat different than how friends will help each other.
Kids and parents will have to be told in the sermon that they can do a lot to help one another make the change highlighted in the sermon. Kids will especially need careful instruction on how to do this.
Unfortunately, when friendships, families and marriages are left out of sermons and the books Christians read, those basic social units of the church do not know that they need to do anything. Yet they are absolutely necessary for spiritual growth, obedience, and preparation for heaven.
See our recommendations to pastors and church leaders at
See our recommendations to pastors and church leaders at