Togethers of Involvement in the World
We need each other in helping secular society.
44. Be Salt Together in a Bland, Tasteless World
Make life better for those who do not believe. Go to secular society with God’s demonstration of mercy. Alleviate human misery in God's power.
**Matt 5:13**; Luke 6:35; John 17:18; Heb 13:13-16; 1 Peter 2:12
45. Be Wise and Win the Respect of Outsiders
Work together with other Christians to solve confusing situations involving non-Christians. In doing so, God’s name will be glorified. Use God’s wisdom in dealing with nonbelievers.
Matt 5:16; **Col 4:5**; 1 Thess 4:12; 1 Tim 3:7
Knowledge about and practice of the Togethers will instill the loving essence of Jesus in you, offer great worship in reflecting our Lord’s character, fulfill some of the prayer “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”, qualify you for maximum heavenly reward in the form of a more responsible place of service, and give you the most satisfying spiritual life here on earth.